Select Aquatics of Erie, CO


            Poecilia velifera Yucatan Peninsula


     Common Name- The Giant Sailfin Molly

    Water Conditions- Good filtration, 73-80 temp, pH 7.5- 8.5
                                 Water Changes of a least 50% a week

    Behavior- A well behaved community species.  
                   A tank of at least 30 gallons should be provided
                   Best when fed small meals frequently.

    Size- 4- 5.5 inches

    Breeding- 10-40 young after approx. 30 day gestation. Not big
    fry eaters, but young should be raised separately to ensure survival.

    Price- 6 young for $40


 Check out the videos of 4-5 inch males displaying!

           The same male is in all photographs.


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    This is the iconic "King of Mollies", used as the logo fish of the
    American Livebearer Association. Many beliefs surround this fish, most that
    are false, resulting in their not often being seen in the hobby. With good food
    and water changes the males will grow a fully developed dorsal fin- in fact this
    male was raised in a 20 long, and is about a year old. They do not require
    salt, and in fact these fish have never been kept in salted or brackish water. 
    They do prefer a higher pH, and a thin layer of crushed coral on the bottom 
    keeps the pH around 8.0, where they are comfortable, with temperatures in.
    the mid to high 70s.

    Preferring a diet weighted toward vegetable flake foods, they are big eaters,
    and do best when small amounts are fed often throughout the day, rather than
    a single large feeding. Breeding comes easily, the male will display as shown 
    in the pics when courting, which can be encouraged by separating the male 
    for a period from the females, and putting him back in.

    Generally 10- 50 large young are born, though older, larger well fed females 
    may produce larger batches . The fry are generally not eaten, but the young
    should be raised separately to best compete for food. The care guide can
    be found Here, and a comprehensive essay on keeping them is HERE.

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                              The male swims around the female, enveloping  
                                         her in his extended Dorsal Fin.





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