of the fish offered through
Select Aquatics is particularly
difficult to keep. There are a few with a reputation for being
challenging to maintain or breed,
but are very hardy
and willing to breed as any other species by addressing a few
Each of the practices addressed are specific to this
fishroom. Tap water is 7.4pH, 90 ppm, ambient temperature is 74-78
summer, and 68-74 winter.
Heaters are used selectively, and
water is changed 15% per day. For more information on this
fishroom, see Fishroom, Fishkeeping Tips 1 and
Plants. Following this are more specific guidelines regarding each
When considering
swordtails are kept slightly warmer, up to
78 degrees, and goodeids are kept slightly
cooler, never
passing 76 degrees if possible. Both are kept above 70
degrees. When keeping them, water
changes of 20% per week
should be adequate. Here at Select Aquatics the fish are fed a
variety of dry foods, Baby Brine Shrimp (BBS),
daphnia raised in
outdoor tubs, and chopped
earthworms. At a minimum, all fish
are fed 2-4 times per day with two dry food feedings and regular live
or frozen
food per day. However, all
will do fine and breed with a good
quality dry food fed at least once daily, occasional live foods
and regular
changes of at least 20% weekly.
Though the pages and references
throughout the site may change for various species as they go in and out
of availability, all of
the care guides for all of the species ever sold by Select
Aquatics will stay linked from this
page for long term reference and
A few tips:
Fry generally do better when raised
in slightly warmer temperatures.
They will eat more vigorously, grow more quickly, and get
past their most fragile stages quickly. Livebearer fry can be
raised at 78-80, goodeid fry 75-77.
Feeding is done 2-3 times per day, making two passes, about 5
minutes apart, through the fishroom each feeding.
Always cover a new tank containing a gravid female. Also be
sure to cover the tank when fish are new to the environment.
Swords in particular will jump
when put into in a new, especially confining body of water. Once
established, they generally won’t
jump, especially if a layer of floating plants such as
riccia or duckweed are
present. Killiefish keepers, however, ALWAYS
cover your tanks!
Provided you have the tank space, it is best to allow a
female that has just dropped fry to spend a few days away from the
other adults to recuperate.
Specific species info for:
Alfaro cultratus
Ameca splendens
Ataeniobius toweri
Characodon audax
Characodon lateralis
Danio roseus
Girardinus metallicus
Ilyodon furcidens
Jenynsia lineata
Limia nigrofasciata
perugia, Boca de Cachon
Limia "Tiger"
Neocaridina Shrimp
Plecostomus "Green Dragon"
Poecilia reticulata Purple Delta
Poecilia velifera
Puntius padamya
Skiffia multipunctata
Xenotoca eiseni,
Rio Tamazula
Xenotoca eiseni,
San Marcos
Xiphophorus alvarezi
Xiphophorus alvarezi Albino
Xiphophorus alvarezi Gold
Xiphophorus birchmanni
helleri Rio Otapa
Xiphophorus mayae
Xiphophorus mayae High Fin
Xiphophorus montezumae
Xiphophorus nezahualcoyotl
Zoogeneticus tequila