Limia nigrofasciata - Back to Limia nigrofasciata Page

    Common Name- Humpback Limia
    Water conditions- Not critical, plants, water changes, good aeration and filtration with some water movement.
    Behavior- Peaceful community fish, dominant males will spar with one another, but it never leads to injury.
                        Well behaved with other fish.
    Breeding- 5-20 Young approx. every 30 days
    Size- 2 inches

    This fish is thought by some to be difficult to keep going, or that it will crash, in that the population will
    suddenly die off without a clear reason. In fact, it is a hardy fish that will do well when the aquarium is
    maintained a certain way.

    They will do well in a 10 gallon aquarium with active water movement provided from an aeration type box or
    inside filter. A hang-on-the-back filter is fine, but an added airstone would be a recommended addition.
    However, they do best in a larger tank of 20-30 gallons. They prefer consistent water quality as is generally
    the case in a larger tank, and prefer to have plants available to hide in (Java fern, anubias etc.). The
    dominant, older fish will generally stay out in front.

    They are fine with medium to strong light.

    Unlike the Tiger Limia, a very close relative, the nigrofasciata seems sensitive to ammonia buildup in a tank,
    such that they will die off when the water has been allowed to decline. This is the aspect to their care most
    responsible for problems when they occur. For this reason I do not use Java moss with them, as it can harbor
    organic waste. About once a month the tank bottom will be siphoned up. A very thin layer of
    gravel is fine as long as it stays reasonably clean.

    They prefer to hide in plants, but are affected when mulm or decaying organic waste is allowed to collect beneath
    those plants. The ability to lift up or remove plants to siphon up detritus that collects around them is essential.

    They will eat their fry, so females should be isolated to have their young. Fortunately, with this species the
    females are small enough to be comfortable in a pet store style net breeder. In this case I do use a little Java
    moss to provide hiding places for the fry and an obstacle to the mother trying to get to them. Be sure to still
    leave the female swimming room. Keep the female in the breeder in the same tank if at all possible. Be sure to
    feed her well in the breeder so she does not eat the young when they are born. Like all livebearers, the female
    generally drops between sunup and noon. Remove her as soon as you see the young. Raise the young up on 
    baby brine shrimp and finely crushed flake food. A Vegetable algea tab or flake also greatly contributes to their
    health. 5-20 young are generally born.

    A 20-30 gallon bare bottom (or thin layer of gravel) tank with aeration generated water movement, temp. in the
    mid 70’s, lightly-moderately planted with medium light is perfect. Weekly 10% water changes, attention to keeping
    the bottom reasonably clear of mulm and a quality flake food supplemented with baby brine shrimp occasionally will
    keep them at their best color and breeding condition. Provide a net breeder for the females when they become gravid
    to collect the young, and raise the young separately from the adults for a fair period to give them the best odds
    of survival.

    About 2 years ago the fishroom experienced an unexpected decline in their numbers, and I eventually lost all but
    a few pair. After much experimentation it was found that this fish needs a stronger component of biological filtration
    in their tank than other species here, and the problem was solved by adding a very thin layer of gravel (1 pebble or
    so thick) across 1/3rd - 1/2 of the tank bottom to complement the box filtration and water changes the tank already

    Today the numbers are back up and they are doing very well. Also, as reported to me from customers, and eventually
    done here, the nigrofasciata really seem to benefit from frequent feedings of frozen brine shrimp. All fish do, of
    course, but the nigrofasciata will show a dramatic difference in size when fed with live or frozen foods to complement
    their dry food.

    One interesting characteristic this fish shares with Limia Tiger is that young males will sex out at very different
    rates, resulting in groups of 3-5 month old fish that appear to be all females. Some males will sex out
    early, but what may appear to be a near adult female fish will slowly sex out to be a male as it ages. For this reason
    it is best to order these in a 2-4 month old fry group of 6-8 fish, which will ship better, cost less, and nearly
    guarantee at least 1-2 pair.

    See other Care Guides Here