Ataeniobius toweri - Back to A. toweri Page

    Common Name- The Blue fin Goodeid
    Water Conditions- Not Critical. Temp 70- 76 Degrees, Plants, Vegetable in Diet
    Behavior-  Generally Well Behaved, not at all Aggressive
    Breeding- 5-15 Young every 60 Days. Do not seem to bother fry when well fed.
    Size- 3.0 inches

     Though the toweri has been in the specialty hobby for many years, information on
     keeping them can sometimes be conflicting, and the opportunity exists to learn more about
     this interesting fish. With these care guides, I may reference various texts for recognized
     parameters for temperature, pH, etc., but ultimately reflect how these fish are kept here,
     so that those you receive, of the lines I am maintaining here, will do best for you.

     Customers have informed me of conflicting information regarding their care, and this is how
     they are maintained here:

     Though some texts recommend that this species be kept at warmer temperatures, they have
     been very healthy and especially prolific when maintained at 72 to 75°. Other populations I
     have maintained in the past appeared to have been comfortable up to about 77°.

     They are ambush predators in behavior, and though they do swim throughout the tank routinely,
     they are not a highly active fish, and will feed on most foods provided. The young here are
     raised on daily baby brine shrimp and a good quality finely crushed dry food.

     Males will take 7 to 8 months to lose their horizontal stripe and develop an all body
     reflective blue green color. In the past I have set up aquariums where the sides are black
     colored, and with the appropriate light, a tank of males is stunning!

     Though they are not an active fish, moderate to heavy aeration is provided, with live plants
     and a minimal substrate to maintain low ammonia and nitrate levels. 5 to 15 young are born
     after a 60 day gestation, and the adults do not seem to bother their fry. The young will take
     baby brine shrimp immediately.



     See other Care Guides Here