Zoogeneticus tequila - Back to Z. tequila Page

    Water Conditions- Not critical. Good filtration, Water Changes, Temp- 68-76 Degrees
    Behavior- Peaceful community fish, Best kept in species only tank, due to its rarity.
    Breeding- 5-20 young Every 60 days. Separate females to drop young, Raise young separately.
    Size- 2.5 inches

    This fish is generally hardy and does well, but it has caused some trouble for some fishkeepers, particularly
    when they first are trying to get them started. Being as rare as they are and not a very aggressive fish to
    begin with, they are best kept in a tank by themselves or with a small catfish, algae eating shrimp, etc.
    When given at least a 10 gallon tank, moderately planted, some aeration generated water movement and at least
    10% weekly water changes they should do fine. Temperatures here are generally 72-76 degrees, and this species
    should be fed some type of live food occasionally to keep up their color and desire to breed. For consistency
    of water quality and concern for their status, they are kept in 30 gallon tanks here, young are grown out in
    10 gallon tanks.

    They are fry eaters, and the females occasionally do not do well when moved to a small container to have their
    fry. Fortunately, some females are small enough to drop fry in a net breeder, which should be kept in her home
    tank. Bigger females must be moved to a 5 or 10 gallon filtered, moderate to heavily planted tank of their own
    or into a tank setup mentioned below. When moving her, siphon a substantial portion of the water for the new tank
    from her old. The stress of the move is lessened, and she will be more likely to have her young successfully.
    10-15 small young are born that can be immediately fed baby brine shrimp. Though they may tolerate up to 78
    degrees, these seem most comfortable between 70 and 74 degrees.

    A trick for many livebearers is to allow the female to have her young in a tank already populated by young that
    are just large enough not to be eaten. The adult female does not bother the young already in the tank, and
    those young are too small to bother any new fry. When the new fry are born, the larger young already occupying
    the tank act as “dither” fish, and distract the female from chasing and eating the new fry she just gave birth
    to. I have a moderately planted 10 gallon tank of 2-4 week old tequila fry always going, and rotate gravid
    females into it to have their young. Though they generally do not abort their drops or die when moved (as happens
    fairly routinely with Ameca splendens) the females are more comfortable when put into an already established tank
    of young of their own species. I will remove her as soon as she drops, then wait about 10 days before introducing
    another gravid female. The young as they mature are then eventually put in with the adults. It is probably best
    to have her drop her fry in a tank by herself with lots of plants, but this situation works well when tank space
    is an issue, and is probably less stressful for the female overall.

    When conditions are not ideal, this fish- more so than any other offered at this site- will generally continue
    to eat and thrive, but will cease breeding. I have had older populations that continued for years without dropping
    young. When water changes were increased with more frequent feedings, particularly of live food, I have found that
    they will sometimes begin to have young again. Some fishkeepers feel that mating older males to younger females 
    will get them going. Another solution has been to remove from the population all of the males but 3 or 4 of the most
    active, and keep an eye out for a female becoming gravid, while increasing the amount of live food and the water
    change schedule. Generally, their breeding is most consistent when first sexually mature, declining as they age.

    See other Care Guides Here