Only known
recently amongst serious hobbyists, a pic of this fish
appeared on the homepage of the
Goodeid Working Group,
that has had many hobbyists calling around looking for
this population.
This is an excellent species if you are new to
or are
not able to provide the
temperatures some goodeids
They are hardy, can handle temperatures up to 78
degrees, are
fairly prolific, active and well behaved with one
another, though
they are best kept in a species only tank. A gravid
female shows
a pronounced gravid spot, and will become quite large.
5-15 large
fry are born after
a 60 day gestation, and females
should be separated to have
their fry, as young are often
eaten by other adults.
More info HERE.
This fish had its
name changed in 2016. It was formerly known as
Xenotoca eiseni, San Marcos.
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