Aquatics of Erie, CO. |
Common Name- Dwarf Petricola Water
Conditions- Temp. 74- 80, Aeration
Behavior- Peaceful and non aggressive,
Active, Social Fish, will graze
throughout day
Fairly slow growing with a lifespan
of 7-10 years
Size- 4.0 inches.
Price- 1-2 inch, $15 each, unsexed.
$10.00 under 1"
Email for larger, or sexed fish
Availability. |
The Top pic is a young, just about
ready to breed male.
The 2nd pic is a young female, not yet carrying
In the 3rd, pic, a group is quite striking. The
on each fish is different.
The Top fish
at Right is about 1.5 inches and recently
into its full adult coloration, and ready for sale.
In the lower pic at Right,
this fish still shows remains of
its juvenile coloration. The vertical body white stripe
disappear shortly and is totally normal. |
An active, friendly, long lived and
attractive fish, these are often unavailable in pet stores. They
are generally bred
overseas using
chemicals and hormones, with limited availability. After years
of learning to naturally breed and raise
the fry of this attractive and
easy to keep fish, we are finally able to offer these for sale
in limited quantities.
Smaller than the Syn.
petricola, it is similar in appearance, but shows a much lighter
background against the larger jet
black spots, and we have
recently begun to selectively breed this fish for a lighter
background against high contrast spots.
Very hardy and active,
they will dart about the bottom feeding throughout the day.
Excellent community fish, they will
hide together in plants
or rockwork, and prefer secure places to keep going back to as
they patrol the tank.
They will eat most fish
foods, and do best on a varied diet of foods that are both
carnivorous and vegetable based.
This line has never been
exposed to or bred using hormones.
For more information on
this fish and its care requirements, click
As well, the method I use here to breed this fish is carefully
described and explained in 2 videos that can be
seen from the video block
above -
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Considered difficult to
breed with
consistentcy, particularly in the home
aquarium, they are bred using hormones
by commercial breeders. The
commercially available lucipinnis are
considered by many not to be as healthy
and nicely colored as naturally bred fish.
This line of lucipinnis has been out of the
commercial hobby since the early 1990s,
and has never been exposed to hormones
or triggers to force them to spawn.
After 6 years of experimenting, breeding
them consistently and in larger numbers
was accomplished, allowing for the
selective breeding of exceptional fish!
The method, setup and all you need
to know to spawn these for yourself can
be seen by clicking the Video Box
above! |
Though the lucipinnis has now been
here for 7-8 years, I am only now showing results of efforts to
produce a truly higher white fish. I will continue with this
effort, and anticipate that this line will
continue to evolve over coming generations. Please keep an eye
on the homepage for